We have been so honoured to meet many of you at the various veterinary in-person and online conferences both here in the UK and internationally.
This year is shaping up to be another busy one! Here are some of the events we look forward to connecting with you at for 2025:
> The House Call Vet Academy Conference, Online (USA), February
> Vets4Pets Winter Wellbeing Conference, Blackpool, February
> VetLed Veterinary Human Factors Conference, Online (UK), February
> Vet Empowered Live, Manchester, March
> Vet Trust Conference, Stirling, June
> BVA Live, Birmingham NEC, June
> Official Veterinary (OV) Conference, Online (International), September
> British Veterinary Receptionist Association Congress, Solihull, September
> StreetVet Conference, London, October
> Vets Now ECC Congress, Leeds, November
> London Vet Show, London ExCel, November
We may add more events, but in the meantime please follow us on social media or subscribe to our blog on www.vetyogi.com to be kept up to date.
If you would like to consider a bespoke VetYogi event for your practice/team, please email chloe@vetyogi.com and see www.vetyogi.com/business for more info.